On today’s episode of Mastering Retention, Tom is joined by Ethan Levy, Executive Producer on Tetris Mobile! Ethan is an experienced game designer and producer that has worked on several cool projects from several different angles. Ethan is also the founder and lead consultant at Famous Aspect in regards to free-to-play monetization.
Some of the key takeaways of today's episode are:
How Ethan started in the gaming industry
Balancing between game design (his core pillar) and production
The benefits of having a holistic understanding of all the different jobs within a gaming company and how they interconnect with each other
Small scoop on a new Tetris game he is working on!
When and how to get feedback from players as a business owner to understand what its important for them
Key insights on one of his GDC talks - what does config driven design really mean?
Ethan’s thoughts on using notifications as a tool to boost user engagement and retention rates
One tip or trick on how to boost the retention rate.
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