This Week in LiveOps
This Week in LiveOps
Ep. 73: Scaling Your Game With Creatives

Ep. 73: Scaling Your Game With Creatives

Creating a fun and engaging game is only half the battle. In order to establish your game as one of the most downloaded apps, you must create and properly utilize the many different types of advertisements. This week on “Mastering Retention”, Claire Rozain (UA Team Lead at Rovio) walks Tom through the process of implementing immersive and thoughtful ads/creatives in order to have a positive effect on user acquisition.

Here are your cheat codes:

- 2:37 How did Claire Rozain get into the video game industry?

- 4:42 Some problems Claire is currently looking to solve in the coming months.

- 6:30 Is tracking a solvable problem?

- 9:00 Time Management and work/life balance.

- 12:55 User Acquisition Creatives.

- 18:42 How to test your game in the early stages?

- 22:40 Can user acquisition control the player experience? *

- 27:20 Ads/Creatives.

- 31:58 Claire shares her “North Star” metric.

- 40:14 Ad lengths.

- 41:14 What to show in your ad. *

- 42:34 How many ad views does it take for a download?

- 44:20 Using different ads VS using the same ad over and over.

- 46:00 User Acquisition across different genres.

- 47:55 How to keep more players around longer.