This Week in LiveOps
This Week in LiveOps
Ep 47: Secrets to creating successful games.

Ep 47: Secrets to creating successful games.

- 1:34 How did Luiz get into the video game industry

- 5:38 What is the secret to launching great games?

- 8:25 How to know when your game isn’t working?

- 14:51 Validating your game’s concept.

- 21:02 What to look for during a playtest.

- 24:16 Best way to approach a soft launch

- 35:42 How to gather realistic data

- 39:00 Rules for soft launch.

- 41:30 Should you seek advice from people that stopped playing your game?

- 47:33 Monetization within a soft launch.

- 50:54 How to keep more players around longer.