This week’s installment of Mastering Retention is a special one, as Tom celebrates the 100th episode with the help of Yosi Tal (Senior Product Manager at Papaya Gaming). The two of them commit the entire episode to the topic of retention. They discuss features and emotions that drive retention, segmentation, player progression goals, maximizing the first time player experience and so much more!
Here are your cheat codes:
1:19 How did Yosi Tal get into the video game industry?
5:37 The pillars of retention strategy
7:45 Player progression goals
10:47 Playing for status
12:15 Long term retention through social features
14:42 Social obligation
20:10 Personalization
24:14 No-brainer features
26:31 Feelings drive retention
28:31 First time player experience
32:17 Reward calendars
34:47 Personalized player experience
37:45 When to change things for a player
39:36 Is segmentation a full-time job?
41:14 Segmentation mistakes
44:00 How to keep more players around longer.
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